Safe Driving In Tulsa Oklahoma
One of the most important things you can do to get the lowest auto insurance premiums is to have a clean driving record with no recent accidents. This means you are free from crashes and moving violation tickets (such as speeding). Here are some quick driving tips to help you keep
you safe and lower your premiums at the same time.
Know How To Identify And Obey Posted Traffic Signs
Every driver knows how to identify a speed limit sign, make sure to follow the posted limits and watch out for changes while driving long stretches of roads or highways. You should also be able to identify merge signs and other warning signs on the road.
Don’t Wait Until The Last Second To Merge
Even when using a GPS to drive to a new location you should have a general idea of your route and avoid cutting across multiple lanes of traffic quickly to get off the highway. If you see an accident or road crew ahead with lane closures, turn on your turn signal and merge as soon as you can safely. Do not wait until the last minute to change lanes in an attempt to cut through traffic.
Leave Space Between Yourself And The Other Cars
Ideally try to leave two full seconds of stopping time between yourself and the car ahead of you, a full car length or more just to be safe. In bad weather reduce your speed and stay even further back from the next car so you have plenty of time to gradually stop safely when necessary. Many accidents are the result of drivers who drive “bumper to bumper.”
Avoid Distracted Or Impaired Driving
Use a designated driver buddy system or call for a ride if you have been drinking. It doesn’t take much to be over the state limit and it’s better to safe than sorry. Also studies have shown that driving while physically exhausted or while on certain medications can be just as deadly as driving while intoxicated. While texting and driving isn’t expressly against the law in Oklahoma at the moment, it should be avoided at all costs. Do not text, check messages, post things online or even take hand-held calls while driving.
Use these tips and some good old fashioned common sense to avoid collisions or tickets that can raise your auto insurance premiums. If you need to find the best deal for your current situation, use an independent auto insurance dealer like Dorsey Insurance. We are here to help.
Tags: auto insurance, driving safety, insurance, tips